JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN 2024-09-13T04:02:02+00:00 Endang Wahju Andjariani Open Journal Systems <p>The education journal is a special journal about the study of&nbsp; current educational development</p> Pengaruh Metode Orton Gillingham Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Pada Siswa Kelas II Sekolah Dasar 2024-04-30T05:26:28+00:00 Afprida Masyitoh Satrio Wibowo Galuh Kartika Dewi <p>Reading ability is defined as the ability of students to recognize letters, <br>words, and sentences, and understand the meaning of the writing that is <br>read. The results of interviews with grade II teachers of SDN Balongdowo <br>65% of 20 students have not read fluently due to several factors, namely, <br>lack of parental attention when assisting learning to read at home, <br>intellectual factors, and lack of interest in learning to read. The OrtonGillingham method is a structured method oriented to sounds and letters <br>that are learned in a multisensory manner. This study aims to determine <br>whether there is an effect of using the orton-gillingham method in <br>improving reading skills in grade II elementary school students using a quantitative approach experimental method with a Pretest-Posttest <br>Control Group Design research design that requires experimental and <br>control groups. The output results of the independent sample t-test test <br>obtained a sig (2-tailed) value of 0.017 &lt;0.05, meaning that there was a <br>significant average difference in posttest scores between the experimental <br>and control classes. So it is concluded that there is an effect of using the <br>Orton-Gilligham method on the reading ability of grade II elementary <br>school students.</p> 2024-04-30T05:12:34+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN “RECIPROCAL TEACHING” TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KREATIF MATEMATIKA SISWA MTs MA’ARIF NU NGABAN 2024-05-16T05:28:00+00:00 Mohamad Ali Sodikin Risdiana Chandra Dhewy Intan Bigita Kusumawati <p>The problem in this research focuses on the need for learning process with a learning model that is appropriate to the student's situation and conditions. Many students tend to be passive and do not dare to express their opinions during the learning process. One learning model that has the potential to improve students' ability to think creatively in mathematics is the "Reciprocal Teaching" model. There are four strategies in the "Reciprocal Teaching" learning model, namely (1) Summarizing. (2) Questions. (3) Clarifying and (4) Predicting. This research was conducted at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Ma'arif NU Ngaban Tanggulangin Sidoarjo. This research proves the influence of the "Reciprocal Teaching" model on the Pythagorean Theorem material. The research results show that: (1) Based on the calculated value of tcount (7.533) &gt; ttable (2.093), it was found that students' creative thinking abilities were significantly influenced. (2) r square ( &nbsp;= 0.749, it can be concluded that the Reciprocal Teaching model contributes 74.9% to students' ability to think creatively in mathematics.</p> 2024-05-16T05:19:20+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN EFFORTS TO IMPROVE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF CLASS V STUDENTS ON NATURAL DISASTERS USING THE PBL MODEL AT SDN BANYUAJUH 3 2024-05-31T08:19:39+00:00 Elly Dwi Fauzianah Natasya Regina A Dela Nur Fitriani <p>The problem in this research is how to apply the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model to improve student learning outcomes in the Natural Disasters lesson in Natural Disasters for Class V at SDN Banyuajuh 3. The aim of this research is to determine the application of the PBL learning model to improve student learning outcomes in the Natural Sciences Lesson. Natural disaster material for class V SDN Banyuajuh 3. The research used classroom action research designed by the Kemmis and Mc Tanggart model with a qualitative approach. Stages of conducting research through planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The results of the research show that student learning outcomes have increased with each cycle, where the pre-cycle gains were 56%. In cycle I the percentage was 61% and in cycle II the percentage was 81% with a completion percentage of 81%. It can be concluded that learning outcomes between pre-cycle to cycle I and cycle II have increased learning outcomes using PBL.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-31T08:16:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN PERAN LITERASI DIGITAL DALAM PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INDONESIA DI UPN "VETERAN" JAWA TIMUR 2024-06-26T09:12:04+00:00 Himmatin Nisa Imama Rachma Dwi Tarisha Ihfada Qolbi Benedictus Renee Sefiko Putra Krisna Prayoga Aditama Eni Nurhayati <p><em>The development of information technology requires the general public to acquire basic skills related to digital concepts themselves.&nbsp; Given the acceleration of digital technology today, the ability to find and use information sources effectively is crucial.&nbsp; In the context of digital literacy, each individual needs diverse access to digital devices, various forms of expression, communication strategies, and the ability to analyze, design, reflect and act.&nbsp; This article presents some initial thoughts on the impact of digital literacy and the language learning challenges associated with implementing digital literacy.&nbsp; This research uses a quantitative method by collecting data through an online questionnaire (Google Form) which was distributed to UPN "Veteran" East Java students.&nbsp; The questionnaire contains questions about the role of digital literacy in Indonesian language education at UPN "Veteran" East Java.&nbsp; The positive impact of digital literacy on Indonesian language learning includes supporting the learning process, identifying quality, meaningful and useful learning resources, as well as providing opportunities for lecturers to increase their productivity through the use of digital educational media.&nbsp; This can also improve the character of UPN "Veteran" East Java students.&nbsp; This model involves active communication and collaboration in learning and research activities, and involves elements of individual competence such as usage skills, critical understanding, and communication skills.&nbsp; This research contributes to the development of a digital literacy model through the use of e-learning.</em></p> 2024-06-26T09:01:40+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN Pengaruh Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Akademik Mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi 2024-06-28T05:38:13+00:00 Hindra Kurniawan Eni Nurhayati <p>This study aims to identify and analyze the factors that cause students' difficulties in academic writing, focusing on the lack of understanding of the material taught in the Indonesian Language Course, ineffective teaching methods, minimal academic writing practice, and the inability of students to apply their knowledge of the Indonesian language to academic writing. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach, involving interviews and observations of students and lecturers. The results show that the lack of understanding of basic Indonesian language concepts, less interactive teaching approaches, and the lack of academic writing practice are the main causes of these difficulties. Additionally, students struggle to apply the theory they have learned to academic writing practice. This study suggests improvements in more interactive and practical teaching methods, increased writing exercises with constructive feedback, and the provision of consultation and writing guidance services to help students develop their academic writing skills. With these approaches, it is hoped that students can improve their writing abilities and produce better and higher-quality academic papers</p> 2024-06-28T05:34:34+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SNOWBALL THROWING TYPE COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL IN CLASS VII OF SMP NEGERI 1 CANDI 2024-07-08T04:21:11+00:00 Dorkas Dolfina Lerebulan Intan Bigita Kusumawati Lestariningsih Lestariningsih <p>This study aims to determine the application of snowball throwing type cooperative learning model on the material of area and perimeter of triangle class VII. This research uses a descriptive model with a One Shot Case Study research design by trying to describe the object or subject being studied according to what it is so that it can be applied to the object being studied. This research used 32 students as respondents in snowball throwing cooperative learning on the topic of area and perimeter of triangles. From the results of students' learning using snowball throwing cooperative learning, namely: Students were able to go through the stages of learning using the snowball throwing type of cooperative learning model without any obstacles and the completion of the student learning results test was that all students in the class were declared to have not completed learning using the cooperative learning model This type of snowball throwing is caused by incomplete students who are still above 20% of the total number of students.</p> 2024-07-08T04:18:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN ANALISIS SELF-EFFICACY CALON GURU MATEMATIKA TERHADAP PENGGUNAAN FINANCIAL NUMERACY SEBAGAI DIMENSI KONSEPTUAL DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA 2024-07-26T06:49:11+00:00 Achmad Dhany Fachrudin Wulan Marlia Sandi <p>Self-Efficacy is one of the factors that influence a teacher's ability to achieve successful learning in the classroom. Numerous studies have shown that finance or finance is a positive context for mathematics education because it involves students in decision-making situations that raise aspects of mathematical thinking. In this study, we wants to analyze how the self-efficacy of prospective mathematics teachers relates to the use of financial contexts in learning mathematics. The data was obtained through a self-efficacy questionnaire which was filled out by 24 prospective mathematics teachers. Questionnaire data were analyzed by make a comparative test of self-efficacy significance based on three categories, namely level of study, knowledge of the banking context, and knowledge of banking terms and concepts. The results of the study show that only knowledge of banking terms and concepts has a significant influence on the self-efficacy of prospective mathematics teachers in using financial contexts. This implies that prospective mathematics teachers need to be provided with initial knowledge of various banking transaction terms and concepts in mathematics teacher education in order to be able implementing financial numeracy learning.</p> 2024-07-26T06:49:11+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN Inductive Reasoning of Prospective Mathematics Teachers in Proofs 2024-08-07T07:17:21+00:00 Soffil Widadah Aunillah <p>This study investigated how prospective mathematics teachers use inductive reasoning in constructing mathematical proofs. Using a qualitative research design, data were collected through assignments and semi-structured interviews, from 13 fourth-year subjects of the mathematics education study program. The findings showed that although the subjects generally could recognize rules and formulate conjectures, they sometimes lacked rigor in arguing. In addition, Subjects used inductive insights to form conjectures and deductive methods to prove them. This research contributes to understanding how inductive reasoning can be developed and integrated into mathematics teaching practices to improve the quality of mathematics education.</p> 2024-08-07T07:17:20+00:00 Copyright (c) PENGEMBANGAN LESSON PLAN PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA BERBASIS MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES UNTUK PESERTA DIDIK JENJANG SMP 2024-09-13T04:02:02+00:00 Vigih Hery Kristanto Eka Nurmala Sari Agustina <p>This research on the development of a multiple intelligence-based mathematics learning lesson plan aims to understand the process and results of developing a multiple intelligence-based mathematics learning lesson plan for junior high school students. The products produced include a Lesson Plan, Teacher's Guide Book (BPG), Student Workbook (BKS), and Learning Achievement Test (TPB). This development research was carried out through a validation stage to two validators, namely a linguistic expertise validator and a mathematics expertise validator. Furthermore, the product trial stage was carried out at SMP Negeri 4 Madiun. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the process of developing the Lesson Plan used the 4-D development model from Thiagarajan which had met the criteria for validity and practicality, although it was not yet fully effective.</p> 2024-05-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN