JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/je <p>The education journal is a special journal about the study of&nbsp; current educational development</p> LPPM STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo en-US JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN 2443-0455 PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN VIDEO PEMBELAJARAN TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BAHASA INGGRIS PESERTA DIDIK SDN PUCANG 4 SIDOARJO https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/je/article/view/608 <p>Learning videos are audio and visual media that involve the use of the senses of sight and hearing in the learning process. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of the use of learning videos on students' English language skills at SDN Pucang 4 Sidoarjo and to determine students' responses to the use of learning videos. The limitations of the problem in this research are for English language skills in terms of speaking ability. The sample in this study was 30 grade 3 students. Data collection through observation activities, posttests, and giving questionnaires. The data analysis technique for this activity uses statistical analysis in the form of simple linear regression analysis accompanied by three regression assumption tests as a prerequisite with data processing using SPSS 27 software. The results of the research show that the use of learning videos has a significant influence on students' English language skills, especially speaking ability. Apart from that, class 3 students at SDN Pucang 4 Sidoarjo also gave positive responses to the use of learning videos.</p> Endang Eryanti Risdiana Chandra Dhewy Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 9 2 1 8 10.51836/je.v9i2.608 ANALYSIS OF STUDENT ERRORS IN COMPLETING LOGARITHM PROBLEMS https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/je/article/view/622 <p>This research aims to analyze students' errors in solving logarithm problems. The research subjects were 5 class X students in the research environment. Next, the 5 students will be interviewed regarding difficulties in solving questions. The type of research used is qualitative research. This research data was collected through giving test questions and interviews. Based on the results of research and analysis, it is known that student test results show that the most errors occur at the transformation and skill process stages. Interviews were then conducted to dig deeper into the factors that influence students' errors in solving logarithm problems. These factors are experiential, effective and cognitive factors. Cognitive factors are the most influential factors. Cognitive factors really depend on students' understanding of the material on logarithm questions</p> Ika Aprilianti Lestariningsih Lestariningsih Moch Lutfianto Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN 2024-01-09 2024-01-09 9 2 9 17 10.51836/je.v9i2.622 LOCAL WISDOM VALUES "SEDEKAH BUMI CEREMONY" OF KARANGLO VILLAGE AS A MEANS OF LOCAL HISTORY EDUCATION https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/je/article/view/631 <p>Village earth almsgiving is one of the traditions of village communities which is usually held to give thanks for the harvest.&nbsp; In Karanglo Village, Mojowarno Jombang District, the tradition of giving alms to the earth is carried out every year in the month of Muharram.&nbsp; This is a tradition passed down from generation to generation that is still carried out by people today.&nbsp; The aim of this research is to study the values of local historical wisdom contained in the earth alms ceremony in Jombang and the role of this ceremony as a means of teaching people about local history.&nbsp; This research uses a qualitative approach by observing and analyzing facts regarding the local wisdom values of earth alms with people in the Jombang community and perpetrators of the earth alms ceremony.&nbsp; Studies show that the earth alms ceremony in Jombang has local historical wisdom values, such as respecting ancestors, maintaining relationships with nature, and maintaining local traditions.&nbsp; This ceremony also functions as a way to teach the younger generation about the history and culture of Jombang</p> Muhammad Farhan Muhammad Faris Abdil Aziz Izzatul Fajriyah Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 9 2 18 25 10.51836/je.v9i2.631 TRIPUSAT PENDIDIKAN FORMAL SEBAGAI PEMBENTUK KARAKTER PADA PESERTA DIDIK SEKOLAH DASAR https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/je/article/view/630 <p>Peserta didik merupakan aset utama dalam membangun keberlangsungan bangsa dan peradaban bangsa sehingga nilai karakter yang baik sangat dibutuhkan untuk membentuk peserta didik yang berakhlak mulia. Pengajaran yang diajarkan dalam pendidikan karakter tidak terbatas pada transformasi nilai benar dan salah saja, melainkan juga terkait adanya penanaman kebiasaan atau <em>habituation</em> mengenai mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah nilai-nilai karakter yang tertanam pada peserta didik sekolah dasar. Metode kualitatif dilakukan melalui pengamatan secara langsung dan wawancara secara mendalam untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai karakter yang ditanamkan pada peserta didik melalui Pendidikan formal pada tingkat sekolah dasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya 18 nilai karakter yang tertanam pada peserta didik melalui habit dimana dalam membentuk karakter individu diperlukan adanya <em>communities of character</em> sebagai pembentuk karakter yang ternyata dapat ditemukan pada jenjang sekolah dasar. Pendidikan formal menjadikan peserta didik terbiasa dengan aturan yang melekatkan nilai-nilai karakter di dalamnya sehingga pendidikan formal menjadi pembentuk dalam pribadi peserta didik yang terus berlangsung</p> Dian Kusumawati Masri Karimuddin Novi Lidya Isdarianti Zulfikar Agus Wiyanto Sugiantoro Sugiantoro Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 9 2 26 36 10.51836/je.v9i2.630 KETERAMPILAN MAHASISWA CALON GURU MATEMATIKA DALAM MEMBUAT SKETSA GRAFIK FUNGSI https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/je/article/view/641 <p>This research aims to determine the ability of prospective mathematics teacher students in sketching function graphs. The research uses quantitative descriptive methods, and data collection instruments use paper test. The research subjects were 8 students of the STKIP Al Hikmah Surabaya Mathematics Education study program. The research results show that in sketching function graphs The results of the research show that in sketching function graphs, the skills of prospective teacher students are in the good category, namely with an average score of 2.60. In general, the resulting graphic shape is appropriate even though it is not smooth. In terms of strategy, students tend to use plotting and pay less attention to function characteristics. The sketch results are also given a clear identity or description.</p> Azhar Syarifuddin Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 9 2 37 45 10.51836/je.v9i2.641 PERAN MEDIA DIGITAL BAGI GURU DALAM MEMBANGUN KOMUNIKASI https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/je/article/view/632 <p>Digital media is very important in the development of communication between teachers and students in the learning process. This study aims to investigate how teachers use digital media as a communication medium during learning, as well as how the impacts, challenges, and obstacles in it. Researchers use a qualitative approach by using a literature review that focuses on systematic literature investigation. The results show that teachers can use digital media in the learning process, build students' communication skills, and teachers can maintain positive relationships with students. Digital media has a positive impact on a teacher's learning communication, namely providing accessibility, increasing student engagement, and being able to provide teaching resources quickly. However, this also has negative impacts such as the emergence of addiction to the use of digital devices, online security risks, and the limited number of students who can access digital media. The challenges and obstacles obtained by teachers start from the need for teachers to adapt to technology, must provide quality teaching materials, and require additional efforts to meet student engagement so that students do not just become passive spectators.</p> Miftakhul Rizqi Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 9 2 46 57 10.51836/je.v9i2.632 Implementation of Instructional Methods (Discrete Trial Training) to Increase Learning Concentration in Pre-School Age Autistic Children https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/je/article/view/643 <p>Anak autis membutuhkan perlakuan yang khusus sehingga untuk dapat memberikan pembelajaran kepada anak autis diperlukan metode tertentu untuk dapat mereka memahami apa yang kita sampaikan. Penelitian ini secara kuantitatif menggunakan metode instruksional (<em>Discrete trial training</em>) terhadap 10 anak autis yang sudah dikategorikan menjadi 5 level. Memberikan satu keterampilan yang diajarkan berulang agar anak penyandang autis dapat melaksanakan perintah dari suatu tantangan permainan yang diberikan dalam tiga tingkatan (mudah, sedang dan susah) dengan benar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 8 dari 10 anak autis mengalami kenaikan tingkat level setelah diberikan metode tersebut. Selain itu tingkat konsentrasi dari anak autis dalam penelitian ini mengalami kenaikan secara signifikan antara 4-7 menit dari sebelum diberikan metode</p> Nurul Makhmudiyah Putu Wirabumi Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 9 2 57 64 10.51836/je.v9i2.643 Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through the Problem Based Learning Model at PPKn SDN Sambirejo 02 https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/je/article/view/644 <p><em>This study aims to describe the use of problem based learning models in improving Civics learning outcomes at SDN Sambirejo 02, and to find out whether there is an increase in learning outcomes by applying problem based learning models. The method used in this research is a class action research method (CAR). PTK is carried out as an effort to overcome problems that arise in the classroom. This method carried out four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The results showed an increase in learning outcomes. In cycle 1 the average value of students obtained 69.8 then in the second cycle increased to 75. Based on the results from cycle 1 to cycle II there was an increase in value of 6.2. In cycle 1 students who reached KKM or completed as many as 10 children with the percentage of completeness reached 60% while those who had not completed were 5 children with a percentage of 40%. In the second cycle, 12 students achieved completeness with a percentage value of 80%, while 3 students had not completed with a percentage of 20%. Implementation of learning in cycle II has exceeded the criteria of learning completeness</em></p> Hilmy Rafi Suyoto Suyoto Sumarno Sumarno Endang Rumiarci Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL EDUKASI: KAJIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN 2024-01-28 2024-01-28 9 2 65 73 10.51836/je.v9i2.644