A Context Analysis of Written Genre within Spanduk Lukis Khas Lamongan

  • Naufal Fachrur Rozi STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo
Keywords: Context Analysis, Written Genre, Spanduk Lukis Khas Lamongan, Discourse Analysis


Communally, every individual has a tendency to communicate in various forms with probability to own its particular force. In contrast, in every form of communication, misinterpretation is a common issue that exists in society, thus it needs a further analysis to overcome it completely. This research aims at finding the context analysis’ elements of the written genre within Spanduk Lukis Khas Lamongan. This research employs a critical discourse analysis with major concentration on Paltridge’s theory of context analysis’ elements in 2006. The result shows that written genre within Spanduk Lukis Khas Lamongan had all of Paltridge’s theory of context analysis’ elements, namely (1) the setting of the text; (2) the focus and perspective of the text; (3) the purpose/s of the text; (4) the intended audience for the text, their role, and purpose in reading the text; (5) the relationship between writers and readers of the text; (6) expectation, conventions, and requirements for the text; (7) the background knowledge, values, and understanding; and (8) the relationship the text has with other texts. As a conclusion, Spanduk Lukis Khas Lamongan is a vivid embodiment of written genre that needs to be understood contextually.

