Analysis Conjunction Found in Selected Reading Comprehension on the TOEFL

  • Irawati Anita Dewi SMPN 14 Surabaya
  • Septi Koestiani SMPN 49 Surabaya
Keywords: conjunction, reading comprehension, TOEFL


This research was focused on the types of conjunction found on the selected reading comprehension on TOEFL. This research was applied by using descriptive qualitative method. The source of data in this research was the selected reading comprehension on the TOEFL proposed Deborah Phillips. The researchers were the primary instrument of the study supported by the secondary instrument called table analysis. The result showed that there were three types conjunction found: 1) coordinate conjunction which was found 10 times (58.82 %), 2) correlative conjunction which was found 1 time (5.88 %), and subordinating conjunction found 6 times (35.3 %). The researcher pointed out suggestions to 1) English teachers to provide clear understanding regarding the implementation of conjunction to their students, 2) students to implement their understanding in learning process, and 3) other researchers to explore the implementation of the types of conjunctions and their functions.

