Passive Voices Used in Reading Comprehension on the TOEFL

  • Siti Fatimah SMPN 44 Surabaya
  • Ani Musafa’ah SMPN 44 Surabaya
Keywords: passive voice, reading comprehension, TOEFL


This study was aimed to find out the frequency of passive voice identified and to describe the types and frequencies of passive voices in reading comprehension texts in TOEFL. This study was applied descriptive qualitative design in analyzing the data. The source of the data was five kinds of selected reading comprehension text in TOEFL. The data used in this study were all of the reading texts consisting the passive voice. The instrument used to collect the data in this study was the researchers as the main instrument and supported by the secondary instrument called a reading test of complete one in TOEFL and table analysis. After analyzing the data, first, there were three types of passive voices called: simple present, past tense and present perfect tense. Second, it was shown: (1) there were 6 times of passive voices in the first reading text containing 1 type in simple present tense and 5 times in past tense; (2) in second reading text, there were 7 times of passive voices found consisting 1 type in simple present, 4 in past tense, 2 types in present perfect tense; (3) there were 2 times of passive voices which was only in present tense; (4) there was 1 time passive voice in simple present; and (5) there were 2 times passive voices in the type of simple present.

