Journal of English Education (JournE)
<p><strong>Journal of English Education (JournE)</strong> is published twice a year in the months of June and December. It presents articles on English education and linguistics. Journal of English Education (JournE) is a peer-reviewed journal on English education in the world. This journal is published by the English Education Department, Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Pendidikan PGRI Sidoarjo. The aim of this journal is to accommodate the professional researchers of English education and linguistics who attend to publish their works. This journal encompasses original research articles of current research on English education and linguistics and also contributes to the professional development of its readers around the world by offering articles that reflect theory and practice in English education and linguistics.</p> (Henri Rio) (Dina Merris Maya Sari)Fri, 20 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700OJS Voices Used in Reading Comprehension on the TOEFL
<p>This study was aimed to find out the frequency of passive voice identified and to describe the types and frequencies of passive voices in reading comprehension texts in TOEFL. This study was applied descriptive qualitative design in analyzing the data. The source of the data was five kinds of selected reading comprehension text in TOEFL. The data used in this study were all of the reading texts consisting the passive voice. The instrument used to collect the data in this study was the researchers as the main instrument and supported by the secondary instrument called a reading test of complete one in TOEFL and table analysis. After analyzing the data, first, there were three types of passive voices called: simple present, past tense and present perfect tense. Second, it was shown: (1) there were 6 times of passive voices in the first reading text containing 1 type in simple present tense and 5 times in past tense; (2) in second reading text, there were 7 times of passive voices found consisting 1 type in simple present, 4 in past tense, 2 types in present perfect tense; (3) there were 2 times of passive voices which was only in present tense; (4) there was 1 time passive voice in simple present; and (5) there were 2 times passive voices in the type of simple present.</p> <p><em> </em></p>Siti Fatimah, Ani Musafa’ah
Copyright (c) 2019 Journal of English Education (JournE), 20 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700Types of Deictic Expressions Used in Selected Articles of "The Jakarta Post"
<p>The objectives of this research are to analyze and to describe the types deictic expressions used in selected articles from a newspaper of The Jakarta Post published on Tuesday, October 23<sup>rd</sup>, 2018. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The source of data was taken from the selected articles of The Jakarta Post and 8 articles were taken as the samples. Method of data collection that is used is documentation method. The findings showed that the types deictic expressions used are person deixis, spatial deixis, and temporal deixis. The deictic words of the preson deixis found are <em>he </em>and <em>it</em> (the third person singular personal pronoun), <em>I </em>and <em>we </em>(the first person singular personal pronoun), <em>his and their </em>(possesive form of pronoun <em>he </em>and <em>they</em>), and <em>him </em>and<em> them </em>(objective form of personal pronoun <em>he</em> and <em>they</em>). The deictic words of the spatial deixis found are <em>this</em>, <em>here</em>, <em>next to</em>, and <em>there, </em>(demonstrative pronoun). The deictic words of the temporal deixis found are <em>after Monday’s meeting, after, next year, at the same time, today </em>and <em>nowadays</em>.</p>Joko Slamet, Hero Witjaksono
Copyright (c) 2019 Journal of English Education (JournE), 20 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700Students’ Understanding of Articles with Problem Based Learning Model Using Video Media
<p>This article is written to know how students understanding about definite and indefinite articles using Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a teaching model with video as the media. Articles is important for students to be learned in order to make them be able to use the articles correctly and distinguish themselves as good English speaker. PBL is chosen because by using PBL students are motivated to deepen their understanding in order to solve a problem that is meaningful to them. The video is chosen as the media for teaching because Video as listening tool that can enhance the listening experience for our students. Students watch and observe. The data was taken when the teaching was conducted on October 2019. PBL was used as a model in teaching with video as the media. At the end of learning process, the students were devided into 19 groups consisted of 2 students for each group. They worked in pairs to answer the exercises given by the teacher to check their understanding about the material. The result shows that 15 groups (30 students) got score above the passing grade, only 4 groups (8 students) get under MLMS. It means that 79% students understand about the material and 21% doesn’t.</p> <p> </p>Nurul Hakimah, Viriana Viriana
Copyright (c) 2019 Journal of English Education (JournE), 20 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700Syntactic Structure Formations in the English Translation of ‘Surah Al-Fatihah’
<p>The aim of the study was to investigate the process of syntax analysis and types of sentences found in the translation of surah Al-Fatihah. This research applied descriptive qualitative design by applying the syntax theory supported by theory of Tree Diagram proposed by Diane Bornstein (1977). The instruments were the researchers as the primary instrument of the study. The data were indentified into types of structures’ formation within the English translation ,then were classified, were displayed, and were described. The findings show that there were five categories syntactic formations in the process of syntax analysis towards the English translation of surah Al-Fatihah based on the tree diagram theory namely: (1) a preposition phrase, (2) a nominal clause, (3) noun phrase forms, (4) a clause with an object and (5) an imperative clause. Meanwhile, there were three types of sentences in the English translation of surah Al-Fatihah called: (1) a nominal clause by having no verb, (2) a clause with an object, and (3) an imperative clause.</p> <p> </p> <p><em> </em></p>Septi Koestiani
Copyright (c) 2019 Journal of English Education (JournE), 20 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700Correlation between Reading Comprehension and Listening Comprehension Skills in Completing TOEFL-PBT
<p>TOEFL or Test of English as a Foreign Language is a language test to measure someone English ability academically in English communication. In TOEFL-PBT, the participants mostly use their receptive skill and their vocabularies to answer the questions, including in writing test receptive skill is used to understand the sentences given as writing themes. According to Macmillan Dictionary (Macmillan Dictionary, 2019), receptive skills is the skills of being able to understand a language when you listen to it or read it. Listening and reading are considered to be receptive skills. Based on the explanation above, the purpose of this study is to determine wheter there is a correlation between reading ability and listening ablility in completing TOEFL-PBT. Research methodology this study used quantitative method. A statistical data from the using of correlation formula in microsoft excel were used to evaluate the result. The scores of listening comprehension test and the scores of reading comprehension test are the instruments were used to measure listening and reading skills. Based on result of this research, there are a correlation between listening comprehension skills and reading comprehension skills in completing TOEFL PBT that indicate had strong relationship (0.60-079). It can be meant that listening comprehension can affected to reading comprehension.</p>Umi Nur Hastuti, Nur Kalim
Copyright (c) 2019 Journal of English Education (JournE), 20 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700Joy Psycholinguistic on Daily Conversation
<p><em>This analysis is carried out to know </em><em>the symptoms of joy psycholinguistic happen in daily conversation. Besides that, it is also important to know the aspects and what the causes of joy psycholinguistic. The samples of conversations analysed are taken from daily conversation of some teachers at school who teach at SMA Progresif Bumi Shalawat Sidoarjo. Symptoms that can be traced from joy psycholinguistic between one object and another object is different. From observations that the author made, the symptoms that can be traced from the above object are as follows. In the first conversation, he showed his happy attitude by clenching both hands while loudly shouting a burst of "yes!". When expressing that, Ruri also embraced Afa’s body and shook his best friend's body. The second object showed her happy attitude by nodding her head while calling out the utterance "em". This action is certainly related to neat thoughts or mental pictures. She nodded to convince the interviewer that he agreed to the invitation. The third object showed her happy attitude by showing signs of excitement to the speaker. Masitah tried to praise the kindness of her sister who made her happy. Besides that, she also raised the volume and ran to where the gado-gado was put</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>Mita Asmira
Copyright (c) 2019 Journal of English Education (JournE), 20 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0700