JURNAL PADI (Pengabdian mAsyarakat Dosen Indonesia) https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/jpadi <p>Jurnal yang berisi kajian pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh para dosen sebagai perwujudan dari Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi.</p> STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo en-US JURNAL PADI (Pengabdian mAsyarakat Dosen Indonesia) 2621-3524 Penggunaan Web Wordwall Sebagai Bentuk Adaptasi Teknologi Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Digital Pada Siswa Kelas 4 SDN Ledok Kulon 1 Bojonegoro https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/jpadi/article/view/653 <p>Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan teknologi digital di SDN Ledok Kulon I Bojonegoro perlu diterapkan supaya siswa lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Selama ini pembelajaran yang diterapkan oleh guru hanya berpedoman pada buku paket dan LKS sehingga siswa merasa jenuh dan bosan. Pemanfaatan penggunaan teknologi digital sebagai media pembelajaran adalah salah satu cara untuk menciptakan proses pembelajaran yang interaktif dan menyenangkan. Adapun media digital yang digunakan yaitu media <em>web wordwall</em>. <em>Web Wordwall</em> merupakan media edukasi yang bisa dipakai untuk permainan edukasi seperti, menjodohkan, kuis, pencarian kata, dan berpasangan. Metode yang dipakai dalam PkM ini menggunakan penyampaian materi, tanya jawab, dan demonstrasi. Hasil kegiatan dari PkM ini adalah semua siswa sangat antusias dan bersemangat dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan <em>web wordwall</em>. Proses pembelajaran lebih menarik dan menyenangkan karena dengan <em>web wordwall</em> dapat membuat siswa lebih mudah dalam memahami materi pelajaran, siswa tidak hanya mendengarkan penjelasan guru tetapi siswa bisa belajar sambil bermain dan dapat meningkatkan literasi siswa. Selain itu, minat dan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran semakin meningkat.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati Rika Pristian Oktha Ika R Ali Mujahidin Sunu Catur Budiyono Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL PADI (Pengabdian mAsyarakat Dosen Indonesia) 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 7 1 1 5 10.51836/jpadi.v7i1.653 SOSIALISASI PARENTING DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN PERAN ORANG TUA TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN SOCIAL EMOSIONAL ANAK https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/jpadi/article/view/755 <p>This parenting socialization aims to increase understanding of the role of parents towards children's social emotional development. In today's digital era, the role of parents is very important in shaping the character and social emotional abilities of children from an early age. This activity was carried out at TK Muslimat IV Nidhomiyah Jombang with the subject of student guardians. The method used in the implementation of this service activity is in the form of socialization designed to provide parents with knowledge and practical skills in supporting their child's social emotional development. Through this activity, it can increase parents' understanding of the importance of effective communication, empathy, and emotional support in forming socially and emotionally healthy children. The follow-up of this community service activity is expected to improve the quality of relationships between parents and children, as well as create a more harmonious and supportive family environment.</p> Rr. Agung Kesna Mahatmaharti Siti Dinarti Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL PADI (Pengabdian mAsyarakat Dosen Indonesia) 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 7 1 6 11 10.51836/jpadi.v7i1.755 PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT BERBASIS KEARIFAN LOKAL DI ERA DIGITALISASI MELALUI PELATIHAN BATIK ECOPRINT DI DESA KEDUNGMLATI https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/jpadi/article/view/752 <p>This service activity was carried out in Kedungmlati Village, Kesamben District, Jombang Regency, East Java. In the area there are many leaves that have high leaf green substances and are potential that can be developed for the empowerment of the Kedungmlati village community. The community can utilise the natural resources around them as materials as a form of new business opportunities, one of which is the development of ecoprint batik typical of Kedungmlati. Community empowerment with nature-friendly batik skills, namely ecoprint, can reduce textile waste. Ecoprint is a technique of giving patterns to fabric media using natural materials. The fabric can be processed again into multipurpose items such as bags. Marketing of ecoprint results is done through marketplaces and social media. This service activity was carried out in the form of training in making ecoprint batik, training in making bags from ecoprint batik, and digital marketing training using marketplace applications. The targets of this activity are PKK mothers who mostly have a side business as a celebration bag tailor. The method used in this community service activity is community-based participatory action which is divided into three stages, namely planning, implementation and evaluation. During the training activities, the making of ecoprint batik went well. The participants were very enthusiastic when practising it. The results of this service are very important to be developed as a form of community skills development effort so that it can be used as an alternative effort to improve the economy of Kedungmlati Village.</p> Siti Dinarti Esty Saraswati Nur Hartiningrum Anisa Nur Aini Fadhila Wati Ais Arum Pratiwi Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL PADI (Pengabdian mAsyarakat Dosen Indonesia) 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 7 1 12 19 10.51836/jpadi.v7i1.752 Socialization of Awareness Raising Dental Health Awareness Raising for Al-Uswah Surabaya IT High School Students by B-Fresh Dental at BBPMP Surabaya https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/jpadi/article/view/688 <p>This community service was carried out to educate students and all parents that dental health is very important. Through this socialization, it is hoped that everyone is aware that dental health or dental care needs to be done. In particular, this socialization aims to provide insight and understanding to students and parents about dental health. This community service was carried out at SMA Al-Uswah Surabaya, with student participants and also competition participants. The obtaining Data using qualitative questionnaire. The results of this community service are that many of the students of IT Al-Uswah Surabaya High School have a very significant impact on awareness of maintaining dental health and they hope that this socialization event will become a routine agenda every year.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Yudy Prasetyo Eni Nurhayati Feri Lusianto Nufikha Shafa Nabilla Karista Dewi Pasa Cherya Nurfajrin Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL PADI (Pengabdian mAsyarakat Dosen Indonesia) 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 7 1 20 25 10.51836/jpadi.v7i1.688 PELATIHAN TEKNIK ECOPRINT DENGAN PEMANFAATAN BAHAN ALAM UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KREATIVITAS MASYARAKAT DESA BECIRONGENGOR https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/jpadi/article/view/753 <p>Ecoprint bags can be used as a lifestyle for the community because ecoprint uses leaves and flowers that come from nature. The purpose of this community service activity is that PKK mothers can add insight and creativity, starting from the introduction of plants and how to make ecoprints. The purpose of the introduction of ecoprint is to provide knowledge in utilizing plants. The method used is practice and evaluation, in the final result the totebag bag gets maximum results. The evaluation used direct observation of the totebag ecoprint products made by the PKK women. PKK women are able to print motifs and colors from leaves and flowers on the appropriate totebag bag</p> Satrio Wibowo Mochammad Ludfy Hadist Maghfiro Aulia Fitriany Dwi Novela Roehmatulloh Marinda Alfionita Kharitsatul Khusnah Ahmad Arka Yuningrat Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL PADI (Pengabdian mAsyarakat Dosen Indonesia) 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 1 26 30 10.51836/jpadi.v7i1.753 PEMBERDAYAAN KADER PKK UNTUK MELESTARIKAN BUDAYA MELALUI KETERAMPILAN BATIK TULIS https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/jpadi/article/view/757 <p>Community service was carried out in becirongengor village, wonoayu district, Sidoarjo regency. This service aims to empower mothers to have batik skills. Batik is an Indonesian cultural heritage that has been recognized by the world, therefore efforts to empower the community must continue to be carried out. Batik is a cultural heritage that must continue to be preserved, One of the efforts in preserving by providing batik training, this is an attraction in improving the skills of PKK cadres. The method carried out in this research uses demonstration and training methods. The results of the training resulted in the participants being able to produce batik cloth works according to what was drawn.</p> Rif’atul Laily Afprida Masyitho Muhammad Ihsan Misbah Khudin Galuh Kartika Dewi Ery Rahmawati Anggra Lita Sandra Dewi Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL PADI (Pengabdian mAsyarakat Dosen Indonesia) 2024-08-12 2024-08-12 7 1 31 34 10.51836/jpadi.v7i1.757 LOKAKARYA PENDAMPINGAN DAN SOSIALISASI DISIPLIN POSITIF SEKOLAH PENGGERAK ANGKATAN 1 KABUPATEN SIDOARJO https://ejournal.stkippgri-sidoarjo.ac.id/index.php/jpadi/article/view/761 <p>These workshops and outreach aim to teach teachers, parents, and community leaders techniques and strategies for building an environment that supports children's development in a positive way. This activity was carried out in Sidoarjo Regency with 27 participants consisting of 27 teachers, school principals and supervisors. Methods in this activity include training, socialization, discussion and questionnaires. The results of this activity show that participants gave a positive response to the workshop and were positive discipline.</p> Lestariningsih Dewi Sukriyah SITI NURIYATIN Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL PADI (Pengabdian mAsyarakat Dosen Indonesia) 2024-08-12 2024-08-12 7 1 35 39 10.51836/jpadi.v7i1.761