The Stages of Grief in The Shack Novel by William Paul Young
This study examines the grieving process and how they affect the religiosity in William Paul Young’s fiction book entitled The Shack. This study aims to find the stages of grief and the impacts on religiosity in this novel. The key theories used by the writer are the Stages of Grief and Religiosity Dimension To collect the data, this study uses library studies and interpretive-qualitative method to analyze the data. The data are collected from the utterances and narrations by the main character, Mackenzie Allen Phillips. This study shows that the stages of grief are portrayed through the four of five stages experienced by the main character through utterances, actions, thoughts, and narrations. In addition, grief also affects the main character’s religiosity through his behavior, experience, utterances, actions, and decisions to deal with his past. Through this research, it is expected to give a new reference to the readers about the relationship between grief and religiosity behavior.
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