Teacher’s Nonverbal Communication in Teaching Learning Process at SMP Negeri 2 Robatal Sampang Madura
Teacher’s Nonverbal Communication in Teaching Learning Process at SMP Negeri 2 Robatal Sampang Madura
The teacher is not only used verbal communication but also used nonverbal
communication, this study aims to investigate the teacher use nonverbal
communication in teaching learning process and the teachers’ nonverbal
communication effect on the classroom atmosphere at SMP Negeri 2 Robatal
Sampang Madura. The subject of the study is the teacher and the students. The
instruments used to get the data were observation, interview and documentation.
Observation was applied in order to know the use nonverbal communication in
teaching learning process at SMP Negeri 2 Robatal Sampang and activity in the
classroom. Interviews were conducted to know the effect of nonverbal
communication in teaching learning process at SMP Negeri 2 Robatal Sampang.
The result of the shows that teachers’ nonverbal used in teaching learning process
are hands, space and distance, touching and chronemics. Hands is nonverbal the
most used by the teacher in teaching learning process, the manner of the used
hands in teaching learning process , he ups his hands to ask students to come
forward. Space and distance is the second nonverbal that’s more often than
touching in teaching learning process after hands. It used the teacher to explain
his material in the used space and distance the teacher stands up in front of a
students to explains his material, touching is nonverbal used the teacher in
teaching learning process, touching used the teacher to communication with a
student’s while the teacher asks a students to come forward if the students didn’t
want to come forward the teacher stand up beside a students and be touches their
body. Chronemics was rarely used by the teacher in the classroom, chonemics
used the teacher while he gives task to the students he gives limed the time to the
students to prepare the material that would be presentation. Beside that the effect
of nonverbal communication used were helping students understanding and
accompanying to verbal message. Helping students understanding more easily to
a students to receive the material that’s explains by the teacher. Accompanying to
verbal message is a student’s more easily understand to get the point of teachers’
explanation in teaching learning process.