Analisis dan Evaluasi Instrumen dalam Pembelajaran Matematika pada Materi Pecahan di Sekolah Dasar

  • Indah Walfath Universitas Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • Risa Faurenza Universitas Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Keywords: Analysis, evaluation, mathematic learning


This research aims to examine and evaluate test items, focusing on their alignment with evaluation objectives, relevance to the subject matter, appropriate difficulty levels, and linguistic consistency. The methodology employed encompasses validity, reliability, and difficulty level analyses utilizing the statistical tool SPSS 25. The results of the validity analysis indicate that all items achieve a satisfactory level of validity based on the established evaluation criteria. Reliability testing also suggests a strong consistency of the test items used in the evaluation, ensuring measurement reliability. However, the evaluation highlights a discrepancy in the difficulty level of the items, where the initial classification of difficulty levels does not align with the analysis results from the processed data. Adjusting the classification of test items becomes crucial as it identifies a disparity in one of the items, which should be categorized as a difficult question, while previously classified as moderate. Meanwhile, the other test items align with the classifications previously determined by the researcher.
