Not all circular geometric objects are easy to present in class because they are large. Therefore, interactive learning media is needed to make it easier for students to learn circles, namely mobile learning based on Adobe Flash Professional CS6. This research aims to develop mobile learning circle material which is tested for its feasibility. This research includes development research with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). The resulting product is called CiFy (Circle Identify). The media was evaluated according to material and media experts and tested on 30 class VIII students at SMPN 1 Jabon. The assessment of the validity of the content of the material was rated at 3.27 and the media assessment was 3.46. Both material and media aspects are included in the valid category. The results of the practicality response questionnaire obtained a very positive response category and the assessment results from the validator stated that the media was suitable for use even though there were many revisions. The results of the effectiveness response questionnaire obtained a positive response category. From the learning result test score data, classical completeness data was obtained at 83.3%, which was included in the achieved category. Based on the results of these assessments, the learning media based on adobe flash professional CS 6 using mobile learning is declared appropriate for use as a learning material for circle material at Jabon 1 Junior High School.