The Enhancing the Students' Vocabulary Mastery in Reading Narrative Text by Using a Video
Enhancing the Students' Vocabulary Mastery in Reading Narrative Text by Using a Video
This research aims to find out whether: (1) video can enhance students’ vocabulary mastery in reading narrative text in the ninth grade students of MTsN 4 Ngawi. (2) the use of video is able to improve the classroom climate. (3) the strengths and weaknesses of implementing video in increasing students’ vocabulary mastery in reading narrative text. This Classroom Action Research conducted at the ninth grade students of Islamic Junior High School in Paron, Ngawi. There were 2 cycles and each cycles consists of four steps, namely: (1) planning the action, (2) implementing the action, (3) observing the action, and (4) reflecting the result of the observation. The result of the research shows: (1) video can enhance the students’ vocabulary mastery in reading narrative text. It could be seen from these indicators: (a) students could spell the vocabularies in narrative text; (b) most of students were able to pronounce words or sentences well; (c) students could grasp the meaning of narrative text well; and (d) students could construct good sentences. (2) the use of video is able to improve the classroom climate. (3) there are some strengths and weaknesses of implementing video in increasing the students’ vocabulary mastery in reading narrative text in the ninth grade of MTsN 4 Ngawi. In line with the result, I suggest that video is one of the effective media in teaching and learning process to improve the students’ enthusiasm and their achievement in learning reading.
Key words : video, reading narrative text, vocabulary mastery, car
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