Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through the Problem Based Learning Model at PPKn SDN Sambirejo 02
Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through the Problem Based Learning Model at PPKn SDN Sambirejo 02
This study aims to describe the use of problem based learning models in improving Civics learning outcomes at SDN Sambirejo 02, and to find out whether there is an increase in learning outcomes by applying problem based learning models. The method used in this research is a class action research method (CAR). PTK is carried out as an effort to overcome problems that arise in the classroom. This method carried out four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The results showed an increase in learning outcomes. In cycle 1 the average value of students obtained 69.8 then in the second cycle increased to 75. Based on the results from cycle 1 to cycle II there was an increase in value of 6.2. In cycle 1 students who reached KKM or completed as many as 10 children with the percentage of completeness reached 60% while those who had not completed were 5 children with a percentage of 40%. In the second cycle, 12 students achieved completeness with a percentage value of 80%, while 3 students had not completed with a percentage of 20%. Implementation of learning in cycle II has exceeded the criteria of learning completeness
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